Saturday, March 24, 2007

John Howard on Drugs

JoHo waded into the illicit-drugs-in-sport debate this week, criticizing the AFL approach to the issue.

His comments were predictably short-sighted and reactionary - calling for an "overdue review" of the policy and for a "zero-tolerance approach to illicit drugs".

One wonders whether JoHo, who knows little about the AFL and has historically shown no leadership in drugs policy, saw an opportunity to score some points against Andrew Demetriou, the League's CEO, who delivered scathing criticism of JoHo's government in a speech in 2005.

In fact, JoHo may have confirmed this as his motive by denying it thus, "I am not taking the opportunity to have a go at Demetriou or the AFL Commission, it's not an easy job".

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