Saturday, February 03, 2007

Executions in Australia

It's now forty years since the execution of Ronald Ryan in Victoria.

It was  Australia's last execution.

Last week I heard former journalist Brian Morley, a witness to the execution, describe the event on the Jon Faine radio program on 774 ABC.

I have heard Morley's description before. It has changed very little.

His description is of a ritualised killing, that so disturbed those present that some were physically ill and others, including Morley himself, remained profoundly affected for the rest of their lives.

Morley's story is harrowing. The horror of institutionalised killing is thrust into the listener's consciousness as Morley struggles to force words between sobs, such is his emotion.

By contrast, the Prime Minister John Howard coolly remarked on 3AW on August 8, 2003, "I am not supporting the reintroduction (of capital punishment) , I mean my position, let me repeat, is for reasons of pragmatic concern that the law from time to time will make mistakes".

A Four Corners report from 2002, contains some quotes from Brian Morley.

Amnesty International

1 comment:

meva said...

Honesty, justice and compassion seem to be foreign concepts to our PM.