Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Citizenship Test Leak

Painfree has been given some drafts from the question bank for the Howard's new citizenship exam, the You're Oright, Bloody Beauty Ocker (YOBBO) test.

Two examples are:

Q22 You are informed by your navy that some asylum seekers drifting in to Australian waters are throwing their children overboard to avoid being turned away. Do you:

a) Ask for verification  of the story.

b) Instruct the border protection agencies to expedite the transfer of the asylum seekers to the Australian mainland because they are clearly under duress and have taken leave of their senses.

c) Immediately feed the story to the media in order to score some cheap political points.



Your country has an indigenous population that has a twenty-year shorter life expectancy, four fold increased infant mortality as well as alcohol, violence and unemployment problems.

Do you:

a) Remove their peak body of representation.

b) Legislate to deprive them of reclaiming their tribal land.

c) Remove reconciliation from the national agenda.

d) All of the above.

1 comment:

meva said...

That is very good, painfree. I think you send it to every Letters to the Editor for every newspaper in Australia.

This government makes my blood boil. Despicable.