Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Helen Coonan on Broadband Speeds

Apparently Australia's slow broadband speeds are actually a blessing!

Helen Coonan, the Communications Minister explained today.

"What we have to understand is that people have got an interest in being able to access the services they want on broadband, and very fast broadband may be more than people either want to pay for or that they need to suit their individual needs,"

Thanks Helen, but maybe consumers would like to make that choice themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here’s a Broadband Video that will show you how to check availability by postcode, how perform a broadband speed test and where to find broadband forums to answer your questions. There are also offers for SKY Broadband.
Here is a broadband beginners guide and below are common broad band questions;
>What is Broadband?
>Types of Connections?
>Connection speeds and download limits
>How to compare ISP’s