Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Those who love Australian rock music might be interested in the Ausrock blog.

My Mac

So I did it. I ordered my iMac.

It's very exciting.

I haven't even seen one in real life yet, let alone used one.

My friend Dave (who I suggested get an Apple laptop two years ago) now swears by his.

It's been a week.

Is Steve Jobs building it personally?

Maybe he's been preoccupied, catching up with Bill.

WTF do these two talk about?

Bill: "What's with those insulting bloated op-system ads, Steve?"

Steve: "Oh, yeah sorry Bill, marketing, you know, that's all, nothing nasty"

Bill: "Well, OK, but I was a little hurt. You know my OS has 95% of the world market?"

Steve: "Yeah Bill, so you keep saying."

Monday, June 04, 2007

John's Diary


An excerpt from JoHo's diary entry for 1 June 2007

"So lets see, we've put a decision on carbon trading off till at least next year, but likely 2012, yep, OK.

"Hicks is home and holed-up till next year. Good.

"The AWB debacle has been put on ice till 2008.......and none of us got sacked...yeah go me!

"And we've erased Workchoices from the vernacular.........

"Tax cuts. Check

"Ad campaign. Check

"Oh. I'm hot. I'm smokin' "