Facebook is MySpace for grown-ups. Discuss, citing examples.
Monday, April 30, 2007
WHO criticises Australia's indigenous health
A WHO report has taken a swipe at the state of aboriginal health.
The report labels indigenous health " a century" behind other Australians. Further, Australian aborigines fare worse "on all health indicators" when compared with New Zealand's native Maori population.
The report also criticises the Australian Government's failure to apologise for the past.
Friday, April 20, 2007
WD USB HArd Drive
Completely happy with the purchase of a Western Digital external hard drive.
About as big as a PDA and powered only by the USB port, the WD Passport Pocket Drive provides heaps of storage with mobility and easy, in-built software.
Highly recommended for back-up.
Remember, there are two types of hard drive. Those that have failed and those that are going to fail.
Epidural video
I can't believe there has been no comment on the epidural injection posting (April 8).
Come on, it even had the oblique reference "Broad appeal".
What? No War on Terror?
British High Commissioner and former Blair Government Minister Helen Liddell has declared that the British Government did not view Iraq as part of the "war on terror."
Speaking at a National Press Club luncheon Ms Liddell said "Our raison d'etre for our involvement in Iraq has not been about terrorism." "We have never seen Iraq as part of the war on terrorism."
Further, British Labor politician Hilary Benn said at the Center on International Cooperation of New York University that the term "war on terror" was a counter-productive one and one which the British Government avoids.
What about the fricking war on terror?
We've (Australia) sent stacks of troops. The Yanks have lost over 3000 (three thousand) troops and at least 100,000 ( half a million litres of blood) Iraqies have died.
There must be a frickin' war on terror.
Remember this - In his address to a joint session of Congress following the attacks on September 11, 2001, U.S. President George W. Bush defined the "war on terror", thus, "Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated."
Well, bring it on !
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said on Australian radio that Iraq was the "frontline" in the war against terror.
He pointed to overnight bombings in Baghdad by suspected al-Qaeda or al-Qaeda-inspired organizations as proof.
Go get 'em Alex!
Bring on the next election.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Is this really Victoria's first Hoon?
The Herald Sun reported on April 3 that a 43-year-old man from regional Victoria has become the state's first driver to permanently lose his car under anti-hoon laws.
Laws introduced in July last year meant that drivers caught drag racing, doing burnouts or committing other hoon acts can have their cars impounded for 48 hours for a first offence.
Drivers face a three-month impound order for a second offence and the permanent confiscation of their car for a third offence.
Now, when I think of "HOON", I don't normally think "middle-aged country gent".
That's unusual enough; but the icing on the cake in this conspiracy theory is the car that has been impounded.
V8 Falcon?
SS Commodore?
Subaru WRX?

1980 Toyota Corona Liftback
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Youtube epidural injection video
An epidural injection instructional video uploaded to Youtube not only helps anaesthetists to hone their technique, but may also help to dispel the fears of patients.
See what you think.
I think it has Broad appeal!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
First Crack in the DRM Wall?
EMI has announced that it will release its music catalogue DRM-free.
Although single tracks will carry a higher price (AU pricing nor confirmed), downloads will be offered at a higher bitrate and complete albums will NOT carry a price premium!!!
Could this be the start of the collapse of DRM?
EMI is obviously hoping to increase sales and revenue, but certainly, the consumer is the big winner here.
This move comes at a time when DRM is coming under increased pressure.
Graham Philipson gives a good summary of the current stand-off between music companies and music consumers HERE.
Recording industry claims of huge monetary losses from piracy have long been considered 'rubbery' at best. In disputing estimates, detractors argue that not every downloaded file represents a lost sale. Industry claims are considered to be a desperate attempt to maintain an outdated (and expensive) business model.
The Recording industry may be coming around.
Meanwhile, Google Chief Executive, Eric Schmidt, recently questioned the valuations that media companies put on their copyrights. Traditional media argues their content has a certain intrinsic value, while Google says "prove it," he said.
Google is currently facing legal challenges to their video uplaod service, Youtube.
Read more at Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
JoHo and Friends 2
Saying Goodbye to Zone Alarm
I have just uninstalled the highly rated Zone Alarm free personal fire wall program, which I have used for many years.
Zone Alarm had, till recently, frequent updates, which included offers to upgrade to a more complete security suite. I was already happy with my anti-virus, so I declined Zone Labs' offers and only ever reinstalled the firewall.
However, the new upgrade to the ZA firewall included an obligatory trial version of the ZA antivirus, which clashed with my existing AV and refused to install unless I removed it.
So, sadly, I removed ZA firewall and installed the equally well-credentialed Comodo firewall.
It's a consumer society and the tech crowd is fussy.